The article is devoted to the study of innovative marketing in international strategic alliances (ISAs) of the pharmaceutical industry, which are becoming increasingly important in the current conditions of global competition, digitalization and transformation of the world economy. The article highlights the benefits of ISAs that allow companies to pool resources, reduce financial risks, ensure effective knowledge sharing, accelerate the launch of innovative products to the market and adapt to rapid changes in the industry. The author examines the role of MSAs in shaping the competitive advantages of companies in the international pharmaceutical market through the implementation of advanced marketing strategies and the use of digital tools. The study emphasizes that the key aspects of innovative marketing are co-branding, integration of digital platforms, use of big data, personalization of campaigns, creation of open innovation platforms, and localization of market strategies. Examples of international companies that demonstrate the successful implementation of these strategies are given, in particular, the partnership of Pfizer and BioNTech in the development of an mRNA vaccine against COVID-19, Roche and Foundation Medicine in the use of genomic data for personalized medicine, Bayer and Alibaba Health in the localization of marketing campaigns for the Chinese market. The article analyzes how the integration of innovative marketing contributes to increasing brand trust, improving interaction with patients and healthcare professionals, and optimizing clinical trials. Recommendations for adapting the world experience of innovative marketing to Ukrainian realities are proposed, taking into account the potential of the country's pharmaceutical industry, its integration into global markets and post-war recovery. The prospects for introducing data interoperability for information exchange, cooperation with international technology partners to create digital platforms and personalized solutions, and participation in optimizing clinical trial processes are identified. The findings emphasize the importance of international cooperation in the pharmaceutical industry, which will help create competitive advantages for Ukrainian companies, integrate into global healthcare ecosystems and develop innovative marketing in the international pharmaceutical market.
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Esmaelnezhad D., Taghizadeh-Yazdi M., Mahdiraji H.A., Vrontis D. (2023) International strategic alliances for collaborative product Innovation: An agent-based scenario analysis in biopharmaceutical industry. Journal of Business Research, vol. 158, p. 113663. DOI:
O'Dwyer M., Gilmore A., Carson D. (2011). Strategic alliances as an element of innovative marketing in SMEs. Journal of Strategic Marketing, vol. 19(01), pp. 91-104. DOI:
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Sivakumar K., Roy S., Zhu J. (2011) Global innovation generation and financial performance in business-to-business relationships: the case of cross-border alliances in the pharmaceutical industry. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci, vol. 39, pp. 757–776. DOI:
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OECD (2022), OECD Handbook on Competition Policy in the Digital Age. Available at:
OECD (2022), “The Evolving Concept of Market Power in the Digital Economy”, OECD Competition Policy Roundtable Background Note. Available at:
Pfizer and BioNTech Announce Further Details on Collaboration to Accelerate Global COVID-19 Vaccine Development. Available at:
Novartis and Pear Therapeutics to develop digital therapeutics for patients with schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis. Available at:
Roche and Foundation Medicine reach definitive merger agreement to accelerate broad availability of comprehensive genomic profiling in oncology. Available at:
Edi Editor's Corner: The top 10 Fierce Pharma Marketing stories of 2024 recapped. Available at:
Bayer forms strategic partnership with AliHealth. Available at:
Press Release: Sanofi launches its first Digital Accelerator fueled by new talent and focused on growth. Available at: