The study examines the latest aspects and trends in the introduction and use of innovative methods and technologies, including HR automation, HR analytics, HR marketing, e-learning, and Smart recruiting, which contribute to the creation and improvement of digital human resource management tools. The article defines the concept of digital tools in business, peculiarities of their implementation and use in the field of human resource management, identifies prospects and opportunities for application, as well as disadvantages and professional risks. The author analyzes various software solutions, mobile applications, online resources and online platforms in various aspects of human resources management which will help transform traditional methods of working with employees and simplify the work processes of an HR specialist, namely: automation of daily and routine tasks, increase of productivity and efficiency, simplification of the procedure for access to general information, increase of employee autonomy, improvement of recruitment and selection processes, reduction of time for attracting and adapting employees, etc. Therefore, the integration of digital tools into human resources management today should not be a trend in business, but a sustainable process in the creation and conduct of business activities. The article also examines foreign and domestic examples of digital tools, namely LMS (learning management system), ATS (applicant tracking system) and HRM (human resource management system). The result of this study is to draw attention to the introduction of digital technologies in the toolkit of HR professionals at the enterprise. Accordingly, the introduction and application of such innovative tools in domestic business activities will lead to an increase in staff productivity, higher levels of satisfaction and motivation, as well as form new competitive advantages in the market and improve the image of the organization among other enterprises, which will help to improve the company's financial performance. Thus, the integration of digital tools in to the HR management process at an enterprise is an inevitable trend in modern business.
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