• Pavlo Fisunenko Educational and Scientific Institute «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
  • Yevheniia Morozova Educational and Scientific Institute «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
  • Oleksandr Biliaiev Educational and Scientific Institute «Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture» Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies
Keywords: competitiveness, mechanism, marketing, activity, approach, economic transformations


The article is devoted to the analysis of the constituent elements of the marketing mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in modern conditions of economic transformations. Today’s complex economic conditions require from the management of enterprises innovative solutions, comprehensive analysis of the issues of ensuring the formation of competitive advantages of enterprises in the field of activity under the influence of the factors of a full-scale military invasion. Those marketing measures capable of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise in the conditions of modern transformational transformations need to be singled out. In the materials of the scientific research, an analysis of the authors approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the definition of «enterprise competitiveness» was carried out, which made it possible to ascertain the absence of a generalized characteristic of this concept and the problem of understanding its importance in the marketing activity of a business entity. In the conditions of a full-scale military invasion of the territory of Ukraine and a complex destabilized economic situation, enterprises are forced to use innovative mechanisms and look for tools to combat the economic crisis, since traditional methods are ineffective. The innovation of the formation of the marketing mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise depends on its vital activity both on the domestic and international markets. In this regard, there is an urgent need to solve the problem of ensuring the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and the speed of management decision-making in all spheres of their activity. In today’s conditions of transformational transformations, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises is one of the fundamental strategic goals of the national economic system. In today’s economic environment, changes are taking place in the world that fundamentally affects approaches to enterprise management. These changes reflect the new role of marketing innovation in ensuring competitiveness and competitive advantage of the enterprise. The following methods were used during the research: comparison, systematization and generalization. The article, based on the analysis of the main elements of the marketing mechanism for ensuring competitiveness, highlights the main directions of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in modern business conditions.


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How to Cite
Fisunenko, P., Morozova, Y., & Biliaiev, O. (2024). MARKETING MECHANISM FOR ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE: THE LATEST THEORETICAL POSTULATES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 207-210.