Keywords: strategy, innovation, innovative development, enterprises, mentoring approach, mentoring


The aim of the article is to study the strategy of innovative development of enterprises using the mentoring approach, and to build a matrix of professional communications and determine the level of efficiency of communications between the enterprise's departments. The participation of mentoring in shaping the strategy of innovative development of enterprises is disclosed. The author emphasizes that mentors help employees to adapt to new working conditions faster by transferring not only technical knowledge but also professional communication skills necessary for successful interaction with colleagues and partners. They also help to develop effective communication skills, which is the basis for productive teamwork and a better understanding of work processes. The main elements of the mentoring approach are highlighted. It is established that the matrix of professional communications is an important tool for a mentor. Such a matrix makes it possible to track and optimize interactions between employees at different levels of the organization, reflects who communicates and how often, how effectively information is transmitted, and identifies potential bottlenecks in communication chains. For example, the construction company Lviv-Bud LLC was taken as an example and a professional communications matrix was built. The analysis of professional communications made it possible to draw the conclusions about the effectiveness of communications between the company's departments. The levels of effectiveness and bottlenecks between the following elements and structural units of the enterprise are identified: general director, executive director, financial department, design department, construction department, logistics department, marketing and sales department, human resources department, and legal department. Based on the analysis, the article provides proposals for improving professional communications, the communication process and the implementation of a professional communications matrix at an enterprise. The combination of mentoring and effective communication creates a synergistic effect that helps to accelerate innovation processes and improve the formation of an enterprise's innovation development strategy.


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How to Cite
Yurynets, Z., Zamroz, M., & Strilchuk, R. (2024). STRATEGY OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES: MENTORING APPROACH. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 3-7.