• Anna Mozhelianska State Biotechnological University
  • Yuliia Sahachko State Biotechnological University
Keywords: Transformational processes, dairy farming, production, export, dairy products, state of war, agricultural sector


This article provides an in-depth analysis of the dairy industry in Ukraine, examining the severe impacts of the ongoing conflict with Russia on production, consumption, and market dynamics. The study highlights how the war has exacerbated pre-existing issues within the sector, including disruptions to milk production, escalating costs, and barriers to both domestic and international markets. It discusses the significant decline in herd sizes and milk yields due to the destruction of infrastructure, the threat to farm operations in conflict zones, and the broader economic repercussions for the industry. The research details how the war has accelerated structural changes in the dairy sector, leading to a concentration of dairy operations and a shift towards larger farms as smaller enterprises struggle to survive. This transition reflects a broader trend towards industrial-scale farming, which has been accelerated by the conflict. The article also explores the volatility in milk prices, noting fluctuations due to geopolitical tensions and seasonal variations. It provides a comprehensive overview of the impacts on dairy product exports, including reduced volumes and revenue, with specific attention to changes in export destinations and market demand. In addition, the study examines the effectiveness of current policies and government support in addressing the sector's challenges. It underscores the urgent need for technological innovation and strategic policy adaptations to stabilize and revitalize the dairy industry amid ongoing instability. The article suggests that enhancing resilience and adaptability is crucial for navigating the complex landscape of the dairy market during times of conflict. It concludes with recommendations for improving dairy management practices, reinforcing infrastructure, and developing supportive policies to ensure the sector's recovery and long-term sustainability. This analysis contributes valuable insights into the intersection of conflict and agricultural economics, offering a framework for addressing similar challenges in other conflict-affected regions.


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How to Cite
Mozhelianska, A., & Sahachko, Y. (2024). TRENDS IN THE TRANSFORMATION OF DAIRY FARMING DURING WARTIME. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (13), 167-172.