• Olha Kliuchka State Tax University
  • Nataliia Kozii State Tax University
  • Liudmyla Kruchko State Tax University
Keywords: banks, non-banks, FinTech companies, digitalization, banking services, financial technologies


The article analyzes the current trends in the development of neobanks in the world and establishes that their appearance is a promising innovation in the field of banking services. Since neo-banks belong to FinTech companies, their future in Europe and the USA seems quite profitable. It was determined that among the main factors that create difficulties for neobanks to achieve profitability is the need for significant investments in IT architecture in order to integrate technological innovations capable of ensuring reliability, security and protection against cyber attacks. Peculiarities of the operation and development of a neo-bank were studied using the example of the fintech company Revolut. An analysis of Revolut's revenue structure for 2020-2022 was conducted, based on which a number of success factors that led to profitability were identified. It was found that the active scaling of neobanks allowed them to form a customer base, but most neobanks faced the problem of unprofitability even with several million customers. It was determined that one of the effective approaches that non-banks can use to increase profitability is vertical banking, which is aimed at providing a highly personalized banking experience for each individual customer segment, and another effective approach is the use of artificial intelligence to improve financial efficiency by reducing technical costs. maintenance due to automation and implementation of better data-based risk management methods. Among the main sources of income of neobanks are: exchange commission, income from subscription, income from provision of BaaS services, income from international transfers and credit services. It was determined that the success of the neo-banking sector depends on the development of the latest digital technological processes in the banking sector, the introduction of new banking standards, and financial instruments for financial market participants. Through a new wave of high-tech start-ups, it will face a financial revolution that will deal with outdated lending, payment and wealth management systems, high rent and office maintenance costs, and improved and cheaper wages for large numbers of employees compared to traditional big banks.


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How to Cite
Kliuchka, O., Kozii, N., & Kruchko, L. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF NEOBANKING IN THE WORLD: ANALYSIS OF BASIC INDICATORS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 215-223.