• Mariia Paska Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • Oryslava Hrafska Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture
  • Andrii Zapisotskyi Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture
Keywords: quality management, hospitality industry, conceptual approaches, strategies, digital transformation


The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of conceptual approaches to quality management in the hospitality industry in the conditions of digital transformation, as well as to formulating strategic priorities for overcoming the challenges of quality management in the hospitality field. Traditional quality management systems often fail to cope with hospitality services' complex, dynamic nature. Thus, the study of innovative, flexible approaches and the formation of conceptual foundations of quality management, especially in the conditions of digital transformation, becomes essential. The analysis methods of literary sources, synthesis, generalization, and strategic analysis were used in the research process. It was found that the constant evolution of customer expectations, technological progress, and increased competition require enterprises in the hospitality industry to apply dynamic and innovative approaches to quality management. Such problems of quality management in the modern hospitality industry, such as diverse and changing guests' expectations, rapid technological progress, staff turnover, development and spread of Internet technologies and information openness, the need to implement sustainable practices, etc., are singled out. Strategies for overcoming quality management challenges in the hospitality industry are formulated, such as individual training programs, use of technology for personalization, attraction and retention of personnel, proactive online reputation management, sustainable development practices, regulatory compliance and adaptation, continuous improvement, and innovation. The directions for the implementation of these strategies are characterized. The role of sociocultural factors in quality management at enterprises in the hospitality industry is emphasized. In crisis periods, ensuring the quality of hospitality services necessarily involves focusing attention on their safety. It was concluded that modern challenges require further research in the field of quality management at hospitality industry enterprises, the subject of which is partially disclosed in this article, which determines its practical value.


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How to Cite
Paska , M., Hrafska, O., & Zapisotskyi , A. (2024). QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: CONCEPTUAL APPROACHES IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (11), 172-176. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.11-27