• Diana Mauer Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: agriculture, agrarian sector, organic production, organic products, market operators, investment and innovation strategies, infrastructure


The article describes the importance of organic farming for the European integration of the country, as it meets the high standards of the European Union for environmental protection and product safety, contributing to improving the competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products on the world market. The article examines the state of the organic environment in Ukraine under the influence of increased risk factors caused by the armed conflict, provides the dynamics of changes in the area of agricultural land set aside for organic production, and substantiates the reasons for the reduction of operators in the market of organic products. The leaders in terms of the number of certified producers of organic agricultural products according to a standard equivalent to the organic legislation of the EU and NOP (USA) have been determined. The factors of the decrease in sales of products on the domestic market are given. A SWOT analysis of the effectiveness of organic farming in Ukraine under martial law was conducted. The aspects of ensuring the sustainability and adaptation of organic production in the agricultural sector of Ukraine, through the implementation and optimization of investment and innovation strategies, are substantiated. The need to develop the infrastructure for organic products in order to avoid and reduce risks during its post-harvest processing, storage and transportation is determined. In this article, we were presented with a list of probable causes of violations in the system of organic production, processing and transportation of products. The article defines that the implementation and optimization of investment strategies for the development of organic farming requires a systemic approach, which includes support for producers and operators of organic products, the use of advanced agrotechnical methods, the use of innovative technologies to increase the productivity and quality of organic products, the creation of an effective and safe supply chain, formation of reliable partnerships and establishment of high standards of product quality in order to gain recognition and trust of consumers for national organic products.


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How to Cite
Mauer, D. (2023). STATUS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS OF INVESTMENT IN THE ORGANIC FOOD MARKET. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (9 (09), 146-151.