The article proves that effective institutional efforts are needed to implement the principles of sustainable development. The areas of implementation of the principles of sustainable development of rural areas, which in the work are connected with such factors as: organization of thrifty production and ensuring effective use of economic potential, use of resource renewable technologies, are disclosed; use of biological fuels from renewable sources of agricultural origin. As a result of the theoretical and methodological evaluations, it has been proven that the main aspect of the sustainable development of rural areas is the systematic growth of their institutional and socio-economic capacity through the achievement of the best financial results through the development of economic potential and the maximization of the profits of economic entities that conduct their activities there. because thanks to their effective management, the process of gradual development of the rural area, and in the future, the region as a whole, will begin. The article proves that the directions of sustainable development of rural areas outline structural changes in the evaluation of the results of the use of economic potential, which are usually associated with: the ability of their residents to mobilize resources; by combining resource, social, investment, and innovation potentials in the production process; modification of cooperation institutions; trust in one or another form of business; institutional functionality of the community in making management decisions. The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical foundations of assessing the economic potential of rural areas in terms of the conceptualization of the scientific position, taking into account the foundations of sustainable development, implementing the regional dimension. It is highlighted that the functioning of the structures of various organizational and legal forms of management on the basis of sustainable development is considered one of the determining factors of preserving the natural and economic identity of the village, rural areas as a living and economic environment and increasing the economic potential of the region.
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