Keywords: monitoring, social security, monitoring of social security, threats to social security, social sphere


The article is devoted to defining the conceptual foundations of the mechanism of multi-level monitoring of social security in today's conditions. In particular, the monitoring of social security aims to diagnose its current state, as well as to form the basis for the development of state, regional and corporate policy measures that will contribute to improving the situation and overcoming the identified problems. The monitoring becomes especially important in the conditions of transformational changes in the economic environment and the transition to the digital economy, the key characteristic of which is the strengthening of the role of information in all aspects of state and social life. Moreover, monitoring the state of protection of social interests of the population is extremely relevant in the context of the crisis consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (from 2020) and the war in Ukraine (from 2022). The concept of forming a social security monitoring mechanism, which has a multi-level nature and provides for appropriate monitoring processes in order to assess changes in the level of social security, key threats and prospects for their neutralization, both at the level of the state and regions, and at the level of business entities, has been defined. The monitoring procedure is based on the principles of objectivity, comprehensiveness, self- sufficiency and prioritization, and appropriate resource provision, takes into account a wide range of assessment tools, and goes through traditional stages, is justified. It was determined that the implementation of the system of multi-level monitoring of social security will contribute not only to the improvement of the state of the relevant spheres of security, but also to provide the assessment of the effectiveness of the implemented measures for their improvement. Prospects for further research in this direction are the determination of directions for the implementation of the concept of multi-level monitoring of social security, taking into account the need to overcome the consequences of the socio-economic crisis caused by the impact of military aggression on the prospects of post-war recovery of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Bondarevska, K. (2022). MONITORING OF SOCIAL SECURITY: CONCEPTUAL VISION AND DIRECTIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 207-211.