
The purpose of the study is to analyze the essence of the company's investment safety system. The importance of analyzing the system of investment security of an enterprise is proved. Certain concepts and elements needed additional clarifications, taking into account the specifics of both the financial security system of the enterprise and the economic one. The essence of the system as such is considered. It has been determined that a system should be understood as a set of subsystems and their elements that are interconnected by certain connections or isolated from each other, but aimed at forming a single whole and achieving a single goal. The structural network of the enterprise's financial security system is presented. It has been established that the system of investment security occupies a key place in the system of financial security of an enterprise. As a result, it was determined that the system of investment security of enterprises should be considered as a set of elements that together will ensure the state of protection of investments from any form of danger, and contribute to the achievement of safe conditions for the development and improvement of the economic security system. Formed own vision of the main subjects and objects of the system of investment security of the enterprise. It is proved that the subjects of the enterprise investment security system should be divided. It has been established that they should be divided into two separate but interrelated categories: external and internal. It was noted that the objects of the enterprise investment security system are the investments themselves, which, in the form of investments, form safe conditions for the development of the socio-economic system. Another object of investment security of enterprises can be direct and potential investors, already playing the role of external actors. As a result, they have a dual role for the enterprise's investment security system. The place of subjects and objects of the investment security system in the overall structure of the economic security of the enterprise is presented.


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How to Cite
Vasylieva, S. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE ESSENCE OF THE SYSTEM OF INVESTMENT SECURITY OF THE ENTERPRISE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (3 (03), 3-7.