Keywords: management, assortment, assortment policy, assortment formation methods, enterprise assortment management


The purpose of the article is to research the essence of the assortment policy, to study the current state of the assortment policy formation process at domestic enterprises, to diagnose the main factors that influence the specified process, and to substantiate methodical recommendations regarding the improvement of the management of the enterprise assortment policy. The article is devoted to the study of the process of managing the enterprise assortment policy at the current stage, as the main tool that allows to use effectively the production capabilities of the enterprise and ensures the achievement of the desired level of profit, as well as helps to stabilize the domestic economy in today's realities. To solve the tasks set in the article the following general scientific research methods were applied: analysis and synthesis, systematization and generalization. As a result of the research, we defined the assortment policy as a set of principles and measures aimed at achieving the maximum possible benefits from the formation of the assortment production volume of the enterprise. The main factors caused by the war in our country were studied, which significantly changed the ratio of supply and demand in the sales markets and led to the loss of relevance of the production programs compiled by enterprises and the assortment policy on which they were based. It has been established that in the conditions in which our economy is now, the basic principle of profit maximization for domestic enterprises recedes to a secondary position in comparison with the need to function stably even at the break-even point and thereby support the domestic economy. It is proposed to organize support for the entrepreneurs at the level of state and local funding and provide them with certain benefits. An important principle in the management of the assortment policy of such enterprises should be clear and complete control of the break-even point. The implementation of the recommendations presented by us regarding the new approach to the management of assortment policy will help domestic enterprises to improve their production programs, as well as significantly help stabilize the domestic economy during the period of martial law in the country.


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How to Cite
Kramarchuk, S., & Krysko, Z. (2022). ASPECTS OF MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE ASSORTMENT POLICY AT THE PRESENT STAGE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 191-195.