Keywords: intellectual and personnel security, trade enterprise, threat, security subject, personnel, employee


The activity of trading enterprises is characterized by a change in the possibilities of achieving corporate goals due to high rates of digitalization, when, along with the increase in the number and scale of activities of digital platforms, most companies are oriented to the simultaneous implementation of online and offline trade in order to maintain competitive positions. The specified processes actualize the need to review the principles of intellectual and personnel security, based on the need to consider the employee as a security object in order to create safe conditions for him to perform the assigned tasks and at the same time prevent the creation of threats due to his actions or inaction. The purpose of the study was to justify the importance of paying attention to the intellectual and personnel component of the economic security of a trade enterprise, followed by the outline of modern parameters of its provision, the definition of a list of key threats and the interpretation of tasks for security subjects. In order to form the theoretical foundations of ensuring the intellectual and personnel security of trade enterprises, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the essential characteristics of the term "intellectual and personnel security"; synthesis and analysis – for the quantitative characterization of the content of the threat, which is associated with an unsatisfactory level of remuneration in the conditions of trade enterprises; morphological analysis – to clarify the list of internal and external threats to the intellectual and personnel security of trade enterprises; graphic – for visual presentation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. The main approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of "intellectual and personnel security" were considered, the list of the main internal and external threats related to this component of the economic security of trade enterprises was determined. It was found that the average level of wages in trade enterprises is lower in comparison with other spheres of the national economy. It is substantiated that the growing pace of labor migration is a threat to trade enterprises. The directions for the implementation of measures by security entities with the aim of maintaining the stability of the working environment, the formation and effective use of intellectual potential due to the development of the intellectual abilities of employees are outlined.


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How to Cite
Ravlinko, Z. (2022). INTELLECTUAL AND PERSONNEL SECURITY OF TRADE ENTERPRISES: THEORETICAL BASIS OF SECURITY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 168-172.