Keywords: medical insurance, demographic security, insurance payments, level of payments, market of medical services, insurance policy


The purpose of the article is to study the current state and problems of the development of the medical insurance market in Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the important role of medical insurance in ensuring the country's demographic security, which consists in increasing the life expectancy of citizens, increasing the birth rate and reducing mortality due to: providing access to high-tech treatment; receiving timely medical care; availability of medical services for broad sections of the population. It is noted that the level of demographic safety is decreasing in Ukraine today: the level of morbidity is increasing, the average life expectancy of people is decreasing, and the value of the indicator of natural population growth continues to remain negative. The article examines the essence of the term "medical insurance". The economic and social functions of medical insurance are characterized. The main reason for the absence of mandatory medical insurance in Ukraine is the insufficient amount of insurance fees as a source of financing the health care system for the effective introduction of this form of insurance. The share of voluntary medical insurance in the structure of the Ukrainian insurance market was analyzed, and a comparison of this indicator with its value in European countries was made. The performance indicators of the TOP-10 companies on the market of voluntary medical insurance are characterized. The standard list of insurance medical services is considered. The economic interests of voluntary medical insurance market participants are summarized: insurers, medical and preventive institutions, insured persons and employers who insure their employees. The problems of voluntary medical insurance and obstacles to its development in Ukraine are outlined. According to the results of the study of the current state of the domestic market of voluntary health insurance, a conclusion was made about the importance of this type of insurance for ensuring the country's demographic security.Convictions were expressed about the need to introduce mandatory medical insurance in Ukraine, which can become more effective in the formation of financial support for the functioning of the health care industry.


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How to Cite
Yurchenko, O., Svyryda, O., & Kovalchuk, S. (2022). MEDICAL INSURANCE AS A TOOL FOR ENSURING THE DEMOGRAPHIC SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 142-147.