Volatility of the exogenous and endogenous environment causes significant complications for the current state and prospects for the development of the livestock industry. The key sign of these challenges is the need to update the state's agrarian policy. The paper’s aim is to identify the drivers of the competitiveness of the livestock industry in the field of modern challenges of the state's agrarian policy. The paper analyzes the key factors influencing the competitiveness of livestock products in the context of the state's agrarian policy. Potential directions for improving the agrarian policy of Ukraine in the context of ensuring the competitiveness of livestock products have been identified. A review of the main legal and regulatory documents that form the vector of development of the state's agrarian policy in the context of exogenous and endogenous challenges was carried out. The peculiarities of the construction of the state's agrarian policy in the plane of the main drivers and trends have been revealed. As a result of the analysis, the key priorities of the state's agrarian policy in terms of legal and regulatory documents were highlighted. Within the framework of the study, the main directions for improving the state's agrarian policy from the point of view of its adaptation to modern challenges were formulated. An analysis of the dynamics of development and the structure of the livestock industry in Ukraine was carried out in terms of key challenges. The need to take into account the structural features of animal husbandry in Ukraine as part of the adaptation of the state's agrarian policy is emphasized. It is proposed to take measures that smooth out significant differences in the array of normative and regulatory documents that determine agrarian policy at the national and international level. The conducted research can be useful for specialized researchers, experts on legislation in the agricultural sector, industry associations, and state authorities. Prospects for future research are the development of the legal and regulatory framework of agrarian policy in terms of key challenges, as well as an extended analysis of the drivers of the competitiveness of livestock farming in the area of agrarian policy.
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