In recent years, there has been a tendency to strengthen the role of regions in competitive relations. Regions act as participants in competitive relations both within the country and abroad. Competitive advantages are those factors used in the economic activity of the region, which leads to a certain positive result and the formation of the desired level of competitiveness. In modern domestic economic science, special attention is paid to the problem of ensuring the desired level of competitiveness of the regional economy based on the formation and effective use of competitive advantages. The purpose of the scientific research is to determine the features of the processes of formation and evaluation of competitive advantages of the Transcarpathian region, to determine the role of competitive advantages of primary and secondary origin. The article examines the main aspects of the formation and evaluation of competitive advantages of the region's economy. The basis of the process of formation of competitive advantages of the regional economy is the identification of sources of competitive advantages. Such sources are the competitive resources that the region possesses and that can be used for competitive struggle. The author substantiates the relationship between competitive resources and competitive advantages of the regional economy. The most common system of classification of factors of formation of competitive advantages of the region's economy has been studied, since there is no single generally accepted system to date. The role of state regulation tools in the processes of formation of competitive advantages of the regional economy is defined. Special attention is paid to evaluating the competitive advantages of the region's economy. In the process of forming a competitive economy of the region, a special role is assigned to the evaluation of competitive advantages. The author investigated the relationship between primary and secondary competitive advantages and the peculiarities of their formation. Parameters of evaluation of primary advantages are defined. An evaluation of the competitive advantages of the Transcarpathian region was carried out. The competitive advantages of the region's economy are the basis for effective economic activity as a result of internal transformation processes. Assessing the competitive advantages of the regional economy provides an opportunity to form sustainable competitive advantages and is the basis of decision-making regarding the formation of a competitive economy at the regional level.
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