• Оleksii Zoria Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Diana Mauer Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Daryna Avramenko Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: nature-oriented solutions, investment and innovation development, state, agricultural production, organic production, land use


In the article, the development of theoretical and methodological principles and practical recommendations for the development of nature-oriented solutions for investment and innovation development of agricultural production in modern conditions is carried out. It has been established that modern agricultural management is focused on achieving maximum profits in a relatively short period of time, therefore, industrial agricultural production can often be characterized as a destructive practice that has negative consequences for both the environment and the agricultural sector itself. It was determined that the rapid development of agrarian business is ensured by significant investment flows in agro-innovation, however, investment-innovation activity in this direction should be based on the concept of nature-oriented solutions. In order to reduce the impact of agro-industrial activity on the environment, alternative farming technologies have been proposed, among which the system of organic farming can be singled out. It is noted that the organic production of Ukraine is represented not only by products of primary production, but covers a wide range of production in the food industry. It was established that organic agriculture should develop within the framework of in-depth adaptation of agricultural technologies to the conditions of crop production. This is the most pronounced tool for convergence of intensive technologies with organic ones. The production of organic food products is of great interest to the manufacturer, because more and more often consumer habits have a tendency to consume ecologically safe products, and the demand for eco-products is constantly growing. It is noted that the need for investment infusions and innovations is due to the need to improve production technologies taking into account nature-oriented solutions. It was determined that it is necessary to consider the idea of self-sufficient production for the needs of specific regions, in order to ensure such priorities as food security and sustainable development. At the same time, production should reduce the negative impact on the environment.


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How to Cite
ZoriaО., Mauer, D., & Avramenko, D. (2022). NATURE-ORIENTED SOLUTIONS FOR INVESTMENT AND INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 110-114.