In the modern reality of the digitization of social and economic processes, solving the problem of economic security is an important and urgent task of the national economy. A key global challenge facing society is the digital transformation of almost all areas of modern life. At the stage of intensified competition at the global and national levels, the conflict of interests of the main body of enterprises is intensified, and an effective economic security system needs to be formed. Traditional management methods are fading, and in order to survive in the digital economy, companies must transform into adaptive systems that can effectively manage a variety of risks, chief among which is people. Any innovation has a positive side, which has a beneficial impact on businesses and people's lives, and a negative side, which is the risks that business has to consider. This paper is devoted to studying the impact of digital transformation on economic security. This paper examines the nature of the digital economy and defines the characteristics of economic operation in a digital context. The article reveals the characteristics of the digital enterprise through the perspective of process vulnerabilities. This article highlights the main specific threats faced by digital companies as well as industry-specific threats faced by digital companies in the energy and industry sectors. This article adopts a scenario approach to study the threats and risks to the economic security of digital enterprises in the industrial and energy fields to assess the risk-generating factors, which are necessary conditions for improving the level of national economic security. The article analysed literary sources for the purpose of defining a digital enterprise. The author presented the features of the operation of a digital enterprise in the industrial and energy complex. The classification of threats to the economic security of digital enterprises of energy and industry sectors under unstable conditions is proposed, which can be used as a tool for managing the economic security of digital enterprises. The article emphasizes the improvement of methods and methods of production and safe use of products, the provision of services based on information technologies using developments that meet safety requirements.
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