Keywords: marketing, plan, research, crisis, internet marketing


Given the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and war, life as we know it has changed. Approaches and procedures that have been taken for granted are now being revised. Team strategies in general are evolving rapidly, and marketing teams are no exception. In times of crisis, the first area of budget reduction for companies is marketing. However, the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the opposite: how important it is to use marketing tools to retain existing and win new audiences. The war in Ukraine dealt a devastating blow to the country's economy, and of course, marketing also changed its usual life. The topicality of the topic is determined by the fact that marketing can be an effective tool for business recovery and development in Ukraine. The purpose of the work is to determine the marketing action plan during the war in Ukraine. Nowadays, long-term strategic planning is a complex process, because the situation changes every day. Operational and tactical decisions came to the fore. Therefore, in the framework of marketing, more detailed attention should be paid to determining the probability of investment risk in relation to the costs of companies to take measures to restore operations at a critical moment. The scientific novelty of this article lies in the development of a model for the formation of tactical marketing actions during the war. Therefore, marketers need to adopt wartime conditions in order to withstand the onslaught of challenges – changing tactics, changing consumer priorities, etc. Strategies need to be developed on how to target and how to better listen to retain your customer and improve the overall economy. It is important to understand that marketing cannot be paused. Of course, now the budget is reduced, so it is worth making a strict optimization taking into account reduced budgets and other resources. Recommendations of possible ways of adapting marketing and SMM for business recovery in Ukraine: changing marketing tactics, changing the market and choosing the target audience, optimizing costs, changing the content strategy, quick response to changes, pivotal strategies and priorities for market engagement.


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How to Cite
Korostova, I. (2022). STATE AND PROSPECTS OF MARKETING DURING THE WAR. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 52-55.