Keywords: service, accounting and analytical service, accounting, analysis, technology, development


The necessity of creating an accounting and information service of trade enterprise management in the context of the spread of the digitalization process is considered. Theoretical aspects of information-analytical service of trade enterprise management have been determined and organizational measures for its formation in conditions of using "Industry 4.0" components have been developed. The diversity of operations in retail leads to the formation of large arrays of heterogeneous and unstructured data, which requires the development of an accounting and analysis system using high-speed information and communication technologies, in particular BigData, cloud technologies, distributed ledger systems (blockchain) and other technologies of the "Industry 4.0" concept. Therefore, the problem of forming theoretical provisions and organizational aspects of the accounting and analytical management service in accordance with the specifics of the activities of trade enterprises at the present stage is actualized. Taking into account the development of trade, the types of information used for analytical procedures and management decisions of tactical and strategic development of the enterprise are determined. The directions of the information and analytical service for managing the activities of trade enterprises are analyzed, and the concept of "information and analytical service" is clarified. A conceptual model of information and analytical service of trade enterprise management, which is focused on creating an information and technological platform for identifying possible events and solutions, has been developed. The development of e-commerce, the increase in operations leads to the formation of large arrays of unstructured data. In this regard, a list of information and communication technologies that support the functioning of the accounting and analytical service of trade enterprises and form its technological platform is recommended for trade enterprises. The provided recommendations on the organization of accounting and analytical service for managing the activities of trade enterprises will provide decision-makers with a sufficient level of information for analytical procedures, forecasting, budgeting and decision-making in the relevant range.


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Kyrylieva, L., & Polyvana, L. (2022). CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE INFORMATION AND ANALYTICAL SERVICE FOR MANAGEMENT OF TRADE ENTERPRISES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 11-15.