• Oleksandra Shepel Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: international labor migrants, international labor migration, integration policy, host countries, immigration, emigration


The article examines integration policy, which is a key element of an effective and comprehensive migration management. This element is linked to several other overriding principles of migration management policies, including the protection of human rights and non-discrimination, employment policy, public safety, social stability, health, education, external relations, civil society and development. Policies and strategies of support of social, economic and cultural integration of migrants into their new environment in host countries and of informing the host communities about the diverse contributions of newcomers can enhance the positive effects of migration. The economic contribution of migrant workers can be increased through better integration of this group into the economy and labor market of the host country. A higher level of employment is characterized by a more significant economic contribution, but migrants often face obstacles in accessing decent work based on their qualifications and aspirations, which limits their integration and reduces their contribution to the development of the host country's economy. It is crucial to monitor the integration of migrants into the labor market using a set of economic and labor market indicators, in particular indicators that reflect employment and skill utilization. The first years after arrival in the host country are particularly important for the long-term prospects of immigrants. Although integration takes place over several decades, the inability to quickly enter the labor market in occupations that match their skills and in sectors that offer opportunities for upward labor mobility can leave a mark on migrants over time. Thus, investments focused on supporting migrants' timely entry into the labor market and channeling them toward upward labor mobility can pay off with long-term benefits. The integration policies of individual states allow for the development of services adapted to the specific needs of new immigrants, such as the need for career guidance and settlement advice. However, targeted integration programs are often small in scale and focus on specific groups such as migrant families or refugees, thereby leaving out other groups with similar needs. For example, the integration policy of EU member states is almost never aimed at European citizens. Several studies have shown the importance of implementing early intervention with appropriate career guidance, which is essential for newcomers to settle and succeed in the labor market, so employment counselors should be trained in diversity and interculturality so that they can understand the special needs of newcomers, e.g. language barriers and lack of work experience.


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How to Cite
Shepel, O. (2022). INTEGRATIVE COMPONENT OF INTERNATIONAL LABOR MIGRATION IN HOST COUNTRIES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (2 (02), 3-10.