Keywords: small enterprises, agricultural sector, strategic directions of development, obstacles to development, rural areas, state support, agricultural infrastructure, cooperation, financial support, digitalization


The article investigates the strategic directions and obstacles to the development of small enterprises in the agricultural sector of Ukraine in the context of ensuring the food security of the state and socio-economic development of rural areas. The relevance of the study is due to the critical role of small agricultural enterprises in ensuring the diversification of agricultural production, creating jobs in rural areas and increasing the financial capacity of territorial communities. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach to the analysis of economic phenomena, including methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, systematization and classification to identify key strategic priorities and barriers to the development of small businesses in the agricultural sector. The study identifies and systematizes ten key strategic priorities for the development of small agricultural enterprises, including: technological modernization, financial support, development of cooperation, building export potential, human resources, infrastructure development, greening of production, digitalization, improvement of state support and market integration. The main obstacles to the development of small agricultural enterprises have been identified, including financial constraints, infrastructure problems, market barriers, imperfect state support, land issues, human resources, technological limitations, and legislative instability. For each of the identified obstacles, specific mechanisms for overcoming them are proposed, which form a comprehensive system of measures to support the development of small business in the agricultural sector. The practical value of the study lies in the formation of a scientific and methodological basis for the development of a state policy to support small business in the agricultural sector and improve the mechanisms of its development at the regional level. The proposed recommendations can be used by public authorities and local governments in the development of targeted programs to support small businesses, as well as by managers of small agricultural enterprises in the formation of development strategies. The results of the study create a theoretical and methodological basis for further scientific research in the field of small business development in the agricultural sector and can be used to improve the mechanisms of state support for this segment of the economy.


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