The topic of digitalization of enterprises is a key factor in ensuring sustainable development and economic stability in the war and post-war periods. The purpose of the study is to develop the concept of enterprise digitalization as a factor of sustainable development to ensure economic stability in the war and post-war period. It would improve management efficiency, optimize resources, minimize the risks caused by instability, and create preconditions for economic recovery. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical, empirical and forecasting methods, which allows a comprehensive assessment of the role of digitalization in ensuring sustainable development and economic stability of enterprises in the military and post-war period. The paper specifies the main aspects of digital transformation, including process automation, e-commerce development, and the use of big data for management decision-making. Based on the results of the study, the author: analyzes the role of digitalization as a tool for ensuring the stability of enterprises during the war and the post-war period; analyzes the innovative digitalization of enterprises as a driving force for sustainable development and economic stability; substantiates the digitalization of enterprises as a driver of sustainable development and economic stability; develops practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of digitalization of enterprises. It is concluded that the digitalization of enterprises is a key factor in sustainable development and economic stability, based on the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the 5G society. The introduction of digital technologies will help improve management efficiency, adapt to new conditions, and ensure long-term economic stability, which will be a key factor in Ukraine's modernization, economic recovery, and sustainable development. Businesses that quickly adapt to digital transformation will have a significant competitive advantage and ensure long-term stability in the future.
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