The article states that in the conditions of the formation of the digital economy in the world, ensuring the efficiency of the management of railway transport enterprises depends, first of all, on innovative activities. The effectiveness of the chosen mechanism of innovative activity directly depends on the personnel component, because one of the main obstacles to the effective implementation of innovative changes at the railway transport enterprise is resistance from employees, and the basis for improving the quality of innovative changes is the presence of highly intelligent employees. During the research, complex factors affecting the implementation of innovative changes were established: the culture of the manager and staff, methods, approaches and management strategy, the market situation and other external components. Typical mistakes in the process of managing innovative changes and human resources are revealed (you should not attach too much importance to numbers, be self-confident, you should not underestimate competitors, trust people's opinions, not be competent enough in matters related to a specific innovative change). An analysis of knowledge management concepts was performed, which allowed us to conclude that in practice the following complementary concepts were formed: the concept of a learning organization; the concept of dynamic transformation of knowledge; process model of knowledge creation; the concept of intellectual capital. It has been established that a necessary condition for the existence and development of the domestic railway industry in the post-industrial era is the formation of a culture of the need to create a complex of knowledge that has potential economic returns and forms the intellectual capital of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" as an integral intangible basis of its effective economic activity and competitiveness. Also, the article outlined the conceptual provisions of personnel provision of the mechanism of innovative development of railway transport enterprises. The tasks of a modern HR manager at the main stages of managing innovative changes have been established.
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