• Olena Moshkovska State University of Trade and Economics
  • Mykhailo Kulheiko State University of Trade and Economics
Keywords: financial forecasting, information security, financial result, model, trend analysis


The article examines the problem of information security of financial forecasting in enterprises. The relevance of this statistic is due to the fact that, in the minds of the military aggression, the economy of Ukraine is at the point of high uncertainty in the near future, as demand from clear forecasts that can be taken into account and based on the data generated from these forecasts, strategies and operational management approaches. It is indicated that in the minds of financial instability for financiers and business owners, especially relevant and flexible nutrition and forecasted profits. It is understood that the obligation of the planned income to indicate the success of the business, while focusing on the financial result, which the enterprise takes for further activities and ensuring competitive positions, and an analytical assessment is necessary in order to assess financial risk factors and identify prospects for business development. In connection with the importance of this direct forecast, this article presents an information model for the process of forecasting revenue, which consists of several stages. The robot also developed its own method of trend analysis, which creates possibilities for improving the information security of financial forecasting in enterprises. It is emphasized that the financial forecast should be carried out before the process of estimating future income, expenses and profitability of a marketing campaign or business strategy. It includes a combination of historical data, significant trends and significant growth factors to predict financial results. These forecasts help companies make informed decisions, effectively allocate resources and set appropriate development goals. In this case, any information that is relevant from the point of view of the financial forecast is considered as a forecasting tool when the results of trend modeling are analyzed by experts, as a result of which a comprehensive forecast is created financial status of the enterprise, based on objective forecast data and expert assessment of other factors that influence future financial and economic results.


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How to Cite
Moshkovska, O., & Kulheiko, M. (2024). INFORMATION SUPPORT FOR FINANCIAL FORECASTING. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 359-364.