Keywords: agro-industrial cluster, agriculture, regional development, integral coefficient, multifactor analysis, cluster formation, weighting coefficients, evaluation methodology, strategic planning, innovative development


The article deals with the urgent problem of developing a comprehensive methodological approach to assessing the potential for creating regional clusters in Ukrainian agriculture. The relevance of the study is due to the need to introduce innovative forms of organization of agro-industrial production to increase the competitiveness of the industry and ensure sustainable development of rural areas. The purpose of the study is to develop scientific and methodological tools for multifactorial analysis of cluster formation opportunities in the agricultural sector, taking into account regional specifics and sectoral characteristics. The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach, which includes methods of economic and mathematical modeling, factor analysis, expert assessments and integral indicators. The proposed methodology is based on the calculation of the coefficient of the possibility of creating a cluster as a weighted average assessment of the development of six key areas: production and resources, processing and value added, logistics and infrastructure, science and innovation, finance and support, cooperation and markets. As a result of the study, a mathematical model for assessing the potential for cluster formation has been developed, which takes into account the relative importance of each factor through a system of weighting coefficients. The criteria for assessing the level of development of individual areas are substantiated and a scale for interpreting the integral indicator is proposed. The developed approach allows not only to determine the overall readiness of the region to create an agro-industrial cluster, but also to identify problem areas that require additional development or targeted support. The practical value of the study lies in the creation of a flexible tool for strategic planning and support for managerial decision-making in the field of regional agro-industrial development. The proposed methodology can be used by public authorities to assess the prospects for creating cluster structures, developing regional programs for the development of the agro-industrial complex and justifying measures of state support for cluster initiatives. The versatility and adaptability of the developed approach ensures the possibility of its application in different regions, taking into account their specifics and priorities of agricultural development. The results of the study create a methodological basis for further development of the cluster theory and improvement of mechanisms for their implementation in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The proposed tools contribute to improving the validity of management decisions and the effectiveness of state policy in the field of cluster development of agriculture.


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