The article substantiates the theoretical, methodological and scientific-methodological principles of accounting and analytical support for the process of managing the investment activities of enterprises in modern conditions of economic development. It is determined that the process of investment support for the development of an enterprise should be aimed at ensuring its long-term competitive advantages. This will allow obtaining sufficient funds to pay obligations, maintain financial stability and further develop production. It is noted that investments should be considered as investments of monetary, material and intellectual values in objects of entrepreneurial and other types of activity in order to make a profit or achieve other benefits. It is established that the accounting and analytical system for managing the investment activities of an enterprise allows you to register, analyze, control and coordinate the financial flows of the enterprise in order to choose the most effective and profitable strategy for further development and make the right, timely and justified management decisions. It is determined that the accounting and analytical support of the process of managing the investment activities of an enterprise is aimed at creating a system that allows you to collect the necessary information about the results of the movement of financial flows, financial stability, solvency, the state of property and capital of the enterprise. This allows you to structure and analyze information using analytical tools and develop management decisions aimed at improving the investment activities of the enterprise. The paper proposes to apply a conceptual model of accounting and analytical support of the process of managing the investment activities of the enterprise. Accounting and assessment of the capital of the enterprise using the accounting and analytical model of its formation will allow you to reflect the influence of all external and internal factors on the investment potential and provide the management of the enterprise with information that reflects the financial condition at a certain point in time or stage of the investment process.
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