Keywords: national security, securitization, hybrid war, security environment, challenges and threats, security complex


Ensuring national security is an integral part of the general system of tasks and goals for the formation and implementation of general provisions of state regulation policy. In the conditions of global hybrid wars, financial crises, and a turbulent environment, determining the modern features of the concept of national security is extremely relevant. Methodological techniques of critical analysis, compilation, and comparison allowed the author not only to determine the stages of the emergence and transformation of national security theories, but also to model an alternative concept. The main task is to study the modern doctrine of national security, which must be developed and implemented in the conditions of an unstable economic and political situation of a “world of war”, when most threats are hidden, veiled, the boundaries and differences between external and internal conflicts are not obvious, blurred, and the ways of counteraction and resolution lie in a complex of political, diplomatic, economic, military, and other actions. The article considers the evolution of concepts and their typology in the doctrine of national security. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, three key models of national security have been identified - internal-centric, external-centric and national securitization. It’s also important to build a reliable communications system that would provide transparent information about the strategies and directions of activities of security agencies and the compliance of their actions with the overall goal of national security of the state. In addition, the author has proposed an alternative promising concept of national security, built on the principles of close collaboration between military, intelligence, diplomatic, political, economic and legal departments. In the conditions of hybrid wars, all components of national security, in particular state, public, information, environmental, economic, transport, energy security, personal security, are equally important, and the methodology for guaranteeing them is based mainly on the synergy of approaches and the implementation of consortium projects at the local, regional, national and international levels.


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How to Cite
Pryiatelchuk, O. (2024). CONCEPT EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN NATIONAL SECURITY DOCTRINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 308-312.