The study analyzes the key aspects of cyber resilience in the modern digital environment, identifies the main challenges faced by companies, and substantiates the need to create a conceptual framework for effective cyber resilience. The author has reviewed current research on cyber resilience in various sectors of the economy, identified gaps in existing approaches, and determined the importance of integrating cyber resilience principles at all levels of organizational management. Particular attention is paid to the concept of resilience in the context of geopolitical conflicts, which strengthen the role of cyber threats as a tool for influencing the economy. The author reveals connections between cyber resilience and technological innovations, including Artificial Intelligence, IoT, cloud computing, and Blockchain, which not only create new opportunities, but also add complexity to systems and increase their vulnerability. Existing approaches to cybersecurity, including traditional methods such as antivirus protection and attack detection systems, are assessed as not effective enough in response to dynamic and complex threats. The author emphasizes the importance of transitioning to adaptive and dynamic solutions that take into account the specifics of modern risks and ensure the ability of companies to quickly recover from incidents. The emphasis is placed on the Resilience Tower multi-level model that covers technical, organizational, and strategic aspects. The importance of creating a culture of cyber resilience, which should combine technological, organizational, and strategic solutions, is emphasized. The conclusions suggest practical tools and methodologies that will help improve the ability of companies to effectively counter modern cyber threats and maintain their competitiveness. Such an approach should be general enough to cover a wide range of approaches, as well as specific and novel enough to be different from existing approaches, in particular, from classical risk management.
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