• Serhii Korol State University “Uzhhorod National University”
Keywords: formal rules, corruption, institutional reforms, transaction costs, financial monitoring


This article examines the feasibility of using a financial monitoring system as a key component of an anti-corruption strategy. It has been determined that the main anti-corruption strategies that can eliminate the motivation to conclude a corruption agreement are to increase the effectiveness of existing formal rules and complicate the process of legalizing proceeds from corruption. The main advantage of the first of the aforementioned strategies is the simultaneous elimination of both the motivation of clients to conclude a corruption agreement and the increase in business activity, due to the reduction of the level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures. In contrast, the strategy of complicating the process of legalizing proceeds from corruption is aimed at reducing the motivation to conclude a corruption agreement on the part of corrupt officials at an unchanged level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures. The analysis of the effectiveness of the above-mentioned anti-corruption strategies allowed us to identify a number of shortcomings (the need for constant monitoring of the effectiveness of the system of current formal rules; the presence of time lags in identifying and eliminating the ineffectiveness of current formal rules; and the subjectivity of assessments of the effectiveness of formal rules), which complicate the application of increasing the effectiveness of current formal rules as an anti-corruption strategy. At the same time, it is shown that the undoubted advantage of complicating the process of legalization of income from corruption activities, an anti-corruption strategy, is the reduction of the level of costs for maintaining anti-corruption structures due to the possibility of using the financial monitoring system as the main element of the anti-corruption strategy; the absence of long time lags associated with the need to identify and reform ineffective formal rules; and the depersonalization of the financial monitoring system, which eliminates the risks of the emergence and spread of internal corruption in anti-corruption structures. It is proven that complicating the process of legalization of income from corruption activities, as an anti-corruption strategy, has high efficiency and the possibility of practical implementation.


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How to Cite
Korol, S. (2024). APPLICATION OF A FINANCIAL MONITORING SYSTEM AS A COMPONENT OF AN ANTI-CORRUPTION STRATEGY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 286-293.