Keywords: monitoring, territorial communities, foresight, financial and economic security, integrated indicator, security indicators


Today, decentralization has created a strong local self-government that can withstand even military aggression, but remains relevant and requires more detailed consideration of financial and economic security. This necessitates the need to improve the effective functioning of territorial authorities, which makes it possible to ensure financial and economic security of the regions. This factor determines the relevance of the research. The aim of the article is to research the key factors of financial and economic security of regions in the context of development and implementation of financial resource potential of territorial communities of Ukraine. The method of comparative analysis, graphical method, analytical and economic-mathematical were used to conduct scientific research and obtain its results. General scientific, theoretical and empirical research methods were used to solve the set tasks. The article emphasizes the problems and prospects in the process of financial and economic security, which must be taken into account and eliminated in advance. Emphasis is placed on the need for modern technology for forecasting the development of regions, such as foresight. Forsythe helps to achieve a balance in forecasting the future through the coordination of interests in the community and thus create a positive investment climate. The zone of financial and economic security (danger) of Lviv region has been determined with the help of the integrated level. The mechanism of realization of strategy of financial and economic safety of the region is offered. Important aspects of the formation of successful territorial communities are outlined and financial threats to the regions in modern conditions are highlighted. Economic growth in the regions is associated with innovative projects, the implementation of which allows the community to increase competitiveness and improve the economy of its environment, but all this is impossible without the joint activities of the community. The essence of monitoring the financial and economic security of the region is to provide reliable, timely, complete information about the financial condition of economic entities and factors of influence operating in the external and internal environment.


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How to Cite
Sodoma, R., Samilo, A., & Marutyak, G. (2022). MONITORING OF FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY OF REGIONS IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (1 (01), 118-123.