The article examines key aspects, organizational and economic instruments and approaches to strategic management of hospitality enterprises, taking into account the modern challenges of digital transformation. The purpose of the study is to identify and substantiate innovative organizational and economic tools that contribute to increasing the competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability of enterprises in the conditions of digitalization. The article analyzes global digitization trends affecting the development of the hospitality industry, including the introduction of information technologies, automation of business processes, the development of online platforms and the integration of customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The influence of digital solutions on the effectiveness of management functions, in particular, strategic planning, cost optimization, personalization of service and improvement of the quality of service provision is highlighted. Special attention is paid to organizational changes necessary for adaptation to the conditions of the digital economy. Approaches to the development of long-term strategies based on innovative technologies and focused on client-centricity are described. The article also considers economic models that contribute to the effective implementation of digital tools in the activities of enterprises. As a result of the study, practical recommendations for the use of organizational and economic tools, such as digital marketing, big data analytics (Big Data), automated resource management systems (ERP) and e-commerce platforms, were proposed. The main components of such tools are also proposed: organizational and economic. The need for investments in the development of digital competences of personnel and strengthening of innovative culture in organizations is emphasized. The study has theoretical and practical significance for hospitality professionals, managers, analysts and scientists who deal with issues of strategic development of enterprises in the conditions of digital transformation.
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