Keywords: reproduction of fixed assets, depreciation policy, modernization financing, digitalization of the economy, innovative management


The article examines the actual aspects of reproduction of the fixed assets of domestic enterprises in the conditions of modern economic challenges. Reproduction of fixed assets is a critically important process for ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises, increasing their competitiveness and adapting to rapid changes in the external environment. The author analyzes the key problems that arise during the planning, financing and implementation of measures to update the material and technical base of enterprises, focusing on the role of innovative approaches and investment policy. The work examines the peculiarities of accounting and auditing of reproduction of fixed assets, in particular, issues of depreciation policy, assessment of physical and moral wear and tear, as well as methods of financing both simple and extended reproduction. The relationship between the qualitative characteristics of fixed assets and indicators of financial stability of enterprises is highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the impact of scientific and technical progress on the processes of modernization and restoration of fixed assets using innovative forms of production organization and integration of modern technologies. The article systematizes approaches to the classification of types of reproduction of fixed assets (simple, extended, and narrowed), defines their key characteristics, indicators, and sources of financing. The author emphasizes the importance of strategic planning for the renewal of fixed assets in the context of digitalization of the economy and the growing role of international financial reporting standards. The practical significance of the work consists in determining the mechanisms for the integration of risk-oriented capital asset management strategies, which will contribute to more efficient use of enterprise resources, increasing their investment attractiveness and stability in conditions of economic uncertainty. Methodical approaches proposed by the author can be used to improve the management of fixed assets both at the level of individual enterprises and at the scale of the industry.


Kraievskyi V. M. Actual issues of reproduction of fixed assets of domestic enterprises. Економіка розвитку систем, 2024. Том 6. № 2. С. 17–22

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How to Cite
Kraievskyi, V., & Myskin, Y. (2024). STRATEGIC MODEL OF SYNERGETIC DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATION-ORIENTED FIXED ASSETS MODERNIZATION CYCLE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 294-299.