Keywords: digital transformation, transformation process, economic system, transformational uncertainty, sustainable development


The modern development of the Ukrainian economy largely depends on global trends and the introduction of information technologies. They not only contribute to evolutionary changes and positively affect the activities of some economic entities, but also create crisis phenomena that complicate the functioning of others. The rapid pace of digital innovations leads to radical changes in business methods and a reorientation of competitive advantages in favor of information technologies. In modern conditions, only those organizations that adapt their structure to the requirements of the digital age are able to work effectively and remain competitive. The purpose of the article is to develop the concept of digital transformation of economic systems, which would allow taking into account new world trends and ensuring the flexibility and adaptability of economic entities in modern conditions of digitalization. The study used: methods of generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis (to highlight the main regularities and contradictions, identifying the major facilities digital transformation, and to define the place and role of digital transformations in the economic system), systems analysis (to understand the relationships of the mates of the economic system and digital transformation, as well as to build a holistic concept of transformation of digital economic systems). On the basis of the study developed the concept of digital transformation in economic systems, in which the main regularities and contradictions of the digital transformations, including the digital transformation of the object, the place and role of transformation processes in the life cycle of the economic system. The basic stages of the transformational cycle. Further development of the concept of digital transformation processes in the economic system, contributing to the deepening of theoretical propositions about the transformation of economic systems. The results are aimed at deepening the knowledge about the transformation processes, their role and place in economic systems that will enable the digital transformation of economic systems more efficient and faster, through a more careful study of the reform package on the basis of already existing and continuously expanding knowledge on transformational processes.


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How to Cite
Podskrebko, O., Ivanchenko, N., & HusteraО. (2024). CONCEPTUAL BASES OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 241-246.