Ukraine's energy sector has a significant impact on the country's economic development, ensuring its stability, determining the investment climate, and determining the level of energy independence. The continuity of production processes in the economy depends on the stability of electricity supply, and the high quality of energy resources, in turn, makes it possible to increase labor productivity. The purpose of the study is to analyze the energy sector of Ukraine for 2019-2023. To achieve this goal, the use of general scientific and special methods is envisaged, in particular, theoretical generalization, systematic approach, induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, comparison and grouping of indicators. The study identifies the problems faced by the country's energy market due to the introduction of martial law. The dynamics of business entities and employees involved in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning is analyzed. It is established that the share of business entities involved in the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning in the overall structure of business entities is not significant. The share of employees employed by the entities of the studied type of economic activity in the overall structure of employees in the entire economy of the country is somewhat higher - it has been in the range of 3.99 to 4.89% over the past 5 years. In general, the number of business entities of the analyzed type in 2023 increased by 15.17%, the number of employees - by 7.36%. At the same time, it should be noted that the profitability of the studied entities has improved. The dynamics of their net profit is highlighted and the trends inherent in the levels of profitability of operating activities and all activities of the studied market participants are identified. The economic essence of the concept of "electricity market" is identified and its inherent functions are defined. The electricity market is proposed to be understood as a set of relationships between economic entities that are formed and realized as a result of operations related to energy resources. The consequences of the global energy crisis that exists in Ukraine are characterized.
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