The research paper examines the theoretical aspects of the digital marketing organization by business entities during the period of information and communication technologies active use. The analysis of scientific views on the definition of the «digital marketing» concept essence in the system of promoting products (goods, services) measures was carried out, and the interpretation of this type of marketing was clarified with taking into account its specific features. The typology of digital technologies for marketing activities has been developed, which, in a smart combination with intellectual capital, in the digital environment will provide new opportunities of setting up multi-channel communication between stakeholders for high-quality communication and reaching agreements between them. It is proved that for attracting the attention of buyers to products (goods, brand or services) and developing interaction with stakeholders in the consumer and industrial markets, it is necessary to use a complex of innovative digital marketing tools and measures. The trends of the product promotion organization on the B2B market are considered, which makes it possible to determine the characteristic features of the industrial digital marketing. The main advantages of CRM systems use as an effective digital marketing tool for the purpose of forming data in digital format, as well as expanding the information base in terms of product’s customers and personalizing each of them, have been determined. The features of inbound marketing, which is focused on the use of websites, social networks, chatbots for communication, as well as the use of interactive media at all stages of the order fulfillment chain, are identified. The analysis of the main directions of search marketing, which today is actively used by business entities for optimal price of products determining, is carried out. The functionality of marketplaces, which are provided by the data accumulation within one web platform, is determined for setting up two-way, mutually beneficial communication (between sellers and buyers) in the Internet environment. Marketplaces allow creating reasonable pricing system for competitive advantages obtaining, products (goods, services) promoting process optimizing by reducing advertising costs, and the customer loyalty system forming.
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