Keywords: innovative capital, innovative activity, disclosure of accounting information, normative regulation of accounting


A comparative analysis of the means of regulating additional disclosure of accounting information on innovative capital has made it possible to establish that they currently lack unity in terms of what information should be disclosed. First of all, this is due to the absence of innovative capital as a separate reporting object in any of these means of regulating. Therefore, information on innovative capital is usually disclosed partially and fragmentarily, which does not allow stakeholders to obtain a systematic vision of the state, opportunities and prospects of the enterprise's innovative activity. This necessitates their improvement in order to solve the problem of disclosing relevant and reliable information on the enterprise's innovative capital for interested stakeholders, in particular, by supplementing them with financial and non-financial indicators, as well as high-quality narrative information. The need for analysis of concepts that ensure regulation of additional disclosure of accounting information on innovation capital has been grounded. The requirements of the conceptual framework, sustainability accounting standards (SASB), and GRI standards for disclosure of information on the innovative capital of an enterprise have been analyzed. The possibilities of the WEF Conceptual Framework, DVFA and EFFAS recommendations, and the German Sustainability Code for disclosure of information on the role of the innovative capital of an enterprise in solving sustainable development problems have been investigated. The evolution of requirements for disclosure of information on the innovative capital of an enterprise in the EU Directives (2013/34/EU, 2014/95/EU, 2022/2464/EU) has been analyzed. The requirements for disclosure of information about the innovative capital of an enterprise in the Management Report in Ukraine have been considered. The differences between the existing means of regulating additional disclosure of accounting information on innovative capital in terms of the content of such information and the form of its presentation have been identified. The trends in the disclosure of accounting information about the innovative capital of an enterprise have been identified and described.


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Georgieva D. (2020). R&D Disclosures as part of the financial statements of Bulgarian innovative companies. Business Management, vol. 3, pp. 5-17.

Guidelines on non-financial reporting (methodology for reporting non-financial information) (2017/C 215/01) (2017). Available at: (accessed Novembre 30, 2024)

International Framework (2021). IIRC, 56 p.

Ledoux M., Cormier D. (2013). Market assessment of intangibles and voluntary disclosure about innovation: the incidence of IFRS. Review of Accounting and Finance, vol. 12(3), pp. 286-304.

Mazzi F., Slack R., Tsalavoutas I., Tsoligkas F. (2019). The capitalisation debate: R&D expenditure, disclosure content and quantity, and stakeholder views. ACCA, 57 p.

Measuring stakeholder capitalism towards common metrics and consistent reporting of sustainable value creation. Whitepaper (2020). Geneva: World Economic Forum, 95 p.

SASB Conceptual Framework (2017). SASB, 22 p.

Semenova, S., Fomina, O., Moshkovska, O. (2021). Accounting for innovations in value management of companies in the context of globalization. SHS Web of Conference, vol. 92, 02057.

The Sustainability Code. Benchmarking sustainability business (2017). German Council for Sustainable Development, 83 p.

Understanding the SASB Standards (2024). Available at:

WICI Intangibles Reporting Framework. Version 1.0 (2016). World Intellectual Capital/Assets Initiative, 45 p.

Zhang F., Qin X., Liu L. (2020). The interaction effect between esg and green innovation and its impact on firm value from the perspective of information disclosure. Sustainability, vol. 12(5), p. 1866.

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