The article reflects theoretical and methodological approaches to the essence of the social and labor potential of the population in the context of digital transformation of employment in modern conditions of change. A content analysis of the essence of the concept of «social and labor potential» and the components that determine its structure is carried out: health, education, professional competencies, experience, culture, organization, morality. Attention is paid to the systematization of traditional scientific approaches to understanding their differences. It was found that the understanding of the category «social and labor potential of the population of the region» is expanding and deepening thanks to scientific research by representatives of various scientific approaches: socio-demographic, labor resource, political economic, socio-ethnic, mental-value, etc. The authors have identified additional approaches and substantiated their essence to determining the category of social and labor potential of the population in conditions of change and martial law: human-centric, economic, competency-based, environmental. Significant attention is paid to substantiating the key aspects of the relationship between the development of the social and labor potential of the population and the digital transformation of employment, which is associated with changing the structure of the economy, creating new opportunities for the development of human capital, forming new competencies of employees, developing investments in education, professional training and training programs. The main characteristics of the digital transformation of employment are determined, the current directions of their positioning are outlined, and the effective realization of their potential in modern conditions of change is substantiated. The results obtained allow in further scientific research and practical activities, thanks to effective management decisions, to form directions for the development of the social and labor potential of the population in the conditions of the digital transformation of employment.
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