Keywords: food security, global food security, food imports, import dependence, international trade, global food supply chains


The article summarizes the theoretical research of domestic and foreign scholars on the impact of the import component on the state of food security and identifies the factors that determine its dynamics in modern conditions. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors influencing the food security of importing countries in the modern era through the mechanisms of international food trade. To study this issue, a set of methods was used, namely: empirical-statistical, process and institutionalist approaches, comparative analysis. The results of the study demonstrate that the impact of food imports on food security arises from several factors. These include the destructive effects of high price volatility in global food markets on national economic development, increased risks of food shortages due to the restructuring of global agri-food supply chains, and diminished international competitiveness of the national agricultural sector caused by the openness of domestic markets and rising macroeconomic instability. The analysis highlights that national economies exhibit varying sensitivities to import dependence. For low-income countries, this often translates into a critical reliance on imports of staple foods, particularly cereals. In contrast, even countries that are major producers and global exporters of food can experience selective import dependence on specific food categories. The study identifies an essential determinant of the criticality of import dependence: not only the share of imports in total food consumption but also the degree of diversification in food imports. From a theoretical perspective, the research contributes to the understanding of balanced development in open national economies, incorporating food security as a key criterion. Its practical value lies in emphasizing the necessity of considering the combined influence of global and national factors when designing effective food security mechanisms. Prospects for further research lie in analyzing the regulatory practices of leading food-importing countries to achieve a balance between external and internal channels of food security, with particular consideration of recent geopolitical challenges and conflicts.


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Monthly food price index worldwide from 2000 to 2024. Available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1111134/monthly-food-price-index-worldwide/(accessed 5 December 2024)

Food self-sufficiency and International trade: a false dichotomy? Available at: https://openknowledge.fao.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/ea722624-2814-4cc5-ba44-90a79a2c2de5/content (accessed 5 December 2024)

Omkar Bhole. Import Dependency and China’s Food Security. Available at: https://www.geopoliticalmonitor.com/import-dependency-and-chinas-food-security/ (accessed 5 December 2024)

Zongyuan Zoe Liu (2023). China Increasingly Relies on Imported Food. That’s a Problem. Available at: https://www.cfr.org/article/china-increasingly-relies-imported-food-thats-problem (accessed 5 December 2024)

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How to Cite
Kazanishen, A. (2024). RISKS OF IMPORT DEPENDENCE IN THE DIMENSION OF FOOD SECURITY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 215-221. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.15-33