Keywords: biogas, biomethane, sugar factory, ecological and economic efficiency, sugar factories, efficiency, digestate


The article is devoted to the analysis of the potential of biogas production at sugar factories in Ukraine. The possibility of using sugar production waste (molasses, pulp) as raw materials for biogas production and its further conversion into biomethane was investigated. Various scientific works devoted to the topic of biogas production from agricultural waste, in particular at sugar factories, were analyzed. Data from other studies on the yield of biogas from various types of raw materials, the cost of equipment and energy carriers, etc. were used. Relationships between various factors, such as sugar production volumes, the amount of waste, potential biogas yield, economic indicators, etc. were established. The author's methodology was used to assess the potential of biogas production and its environmental and economic efficiency. Calculations of economic indicators, such as the cost of biogas production, income from its sale, the payback period of investments, etc. were carried out. The main goal of the study is to assess the environmental and economic benefits of biogas production at sugar factories. It has been proven that this approach allows: to reduce the environmental burden due to waste processing and greenhouse gas emissions; to increase energy independence by diversifying energy sources; to increase the economic efficiency of enterprises due to additional sources of income from the sale of biogas and organic fertilizers.It has been determined that to assess the indicator of environmental and economic efficiency of biogas production at sugar factories, it is necessary to determine the volume of beet cultivation, since beet waste forms the basis of the raw material base for biomethane production. The article uses the author's methodology for assessing the environmental and economic efficiency of biogas production, which allows us to quantitatively determine the advantages of such production. Based on this methodology, calculations were made for Ukrainian sugar factories. It has been stated that biogas production at sugar factories is a promising direction for the development of domestic energy and agriculture. However, for the successful implementation of such projects, state support, investments and the resolution of a number of organizational issues are necessary.


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How to Cite
Zelenchuk, N. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION AT SUGAR FACTORIES OF UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 210-214. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.15-32