Keywords: concept, principles, personnel management, hybrid work environment, integrated management model


Based on the primary objective of human resource management (HRM) in a hybrid work environment, which lies in ensuring the efficiency, resilience, and engagement of employees through an optimal combination of physical and remote interaction, this study develops a system of fundamental principles. These principles include flexibility, digital integration, inclusivity, transparency, corporate culture reinforcement, motivation, and social integration, which collectively create a comprehensive framework for adapting organizations to the challenges of the digital economy. The proposed conceptual framework integrates strategic and operational levels of HRM to address the unique challenges posed by hybrid work environments. At the strategic level, the model emphasizes the alignment of organizational goals with individual employee needs by adopting adaptive planning approaches, flexible scheduling, and personalized motivational strategies. Operationally, the concept relies on result-oriented evaluation systems such as Objectives and Key Results (OKR) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI), ensuring that employee performance is assessed based on achievements rather than time spent on tasks. The innovative aspect of this concept is its reliance on cutting-edge technological solutions for synchronizing hybrid teams. This includes the integration of collaborative platforms (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Slack), digital tools for workflow automation, and robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard organizational data. Furthermore, the model prioritizes the cultivation of a unified corporate culture, ensuring equal access to opportunities and resources for all employees, regardless of their work format, while promoting inclusivity and transparency. The development of hybrid corporate culture occupies a central position in the proposed framework. It encompasses a values-based approach to organizational management, where respect, innovation, and result orientation serve as foundational principles. Regular communication practices – ranging from online briefings to in-person events – are emphasized to foster team cohesion and mitigate the risk of isolation for remote workers. Another significant element is the introduction of flexible planning mechanisms that enable employees to choose work conditions that align with their lifestyles while balancing organizational priorities. This adaptability ensures the synergy of remote and office-based work, enhancing productivity and employee satisfaction. The scientific contribution of this study lies in the creation of a multi-level HRM framework tailored for hybrid work environments. The model advances the understanding of hybrid workforce dynamics by integrating adaptive mechanisms of motivation, advanced technological tools, and result-oriented evaluation methods. Unlike existing approaches, this concept emphasizes the alignment of individual and organizational goals through personalized engagement strategies and technological innovations, offering a transformative perspective on workforce management in the digital age. The implementation of this framework contributes to strengthening organizational resilience, enhancing employee productivity, and fostering a culture of innovation, thus ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises in the evolving global economy.


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