The article examines the current state of Ukraine's labor market and analyzes key performance indicators of the State Employment Service during 2022-2024. The research focuses on investigating the dynamics of professional training services and employment assistance, particularly through the implementation of educational voucher mechanisms. The study presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of regional characteristics in providing services to unemployed individuals and internally displaced persons (IDPs). The findings reveal significant structural changes in the labor market resulting from Russian military aggression, which led to a substantial reduction in the number of employment service recipients from 1,045,988 persons in 2022 to 564,384 persons in January-November 2024. The research identifies Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, and Lviv regions as the most active in service provision. The study thoroughly investigates the peculiarities of employment and professional training for internally displaced persons, who received special support programs, including wage compensation for employers. The analysis demonstrates that during January-November 2024, the total number of IDPs receiving services from the State Employment Service reached 100,197 persons, with 71,512 having official unemployment status. The research highlights that 38,909 IDPs were successfully employed, with 13,972 receiving employment assistance through wage compensation programs. The paper emphasizes the implementation of specialized support measures for IDPs in the labor market, including public works programs and remote work infrastructure development. The study substantiates the necessity for further enhancement of state employment support mechanisms through the expansion of professional retraining programs, implementation of modular training programs, and development of dual education. The research concludes that improving the employment level of internally displaced persons directly depends on economic recovery and job creation, while emphasizing the importance of large-scale requalification of displaced persons, considering that many jobs were lost due to the war, but the country's reconstruction process will create new employment opportunities. The article provides recommendations for organizing professional training considering local labor market needs in regions where IDPs have relocated, suggesting the implementation of modular training programs developed in cooperation with local businesses for rapid requalification and skill enhancement.
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