Keywords: digital health, medical information systems, Digital Health, eHealth, digitization of medicine, цифровізація медицини


The digital transformation of society has covered various spheres of its life, digitization has touched the medical sphere as well. The penetration of digital technologies has given rise to the concepts of E-medicine or Digital Health. Digital health includes mobile health applications, electronic health records, wearable devices, telemedicine, and personalized medicine. It was established that a third of the population of Ukraine uses the Internet to search for information related to health and medicines and to make an appointment with a doctor. The penetration of digital technologies into the field of health care is carried out in three directions: the introduction of Medical Information Systems, the use of information systems for monitoring the condition of patients and for the purpose of diagnosis. The article describes common medical information systems. Ukraine has an electronic health care system (EHS), which includes a single central database and business electronic medical information systems. In ESOZ, the state guarantees the security of the system, and private medical institutions - providing services to users. The disadvantages of the functioning of the e-Health system in Ukraine are the lack of a system for the exchange of information arrays between various health care institutions, the absence of a mechanism for the use of telecommunications in the provision of medical services. One of the poorly developed areas of eHealth is telemedicine. It has been established that in the conditions of war, telemedicine is able to meet the needs of temporarily displaced persons and persons staying in the occupied territories. The digital transformation of the medical field is held back by technical and social reasons. The first include the low level of provision of computers and access to the Internet in medical institutions, and the second – the low level of «digital» literacy of hospital workers and patients. In order to solve the mentioned problems, it is proposed to intensify the provision of hospitals with high-speed Internet, medical information systems, electronic data exchange technologies, RFID technologies (radio frequency identification of persons) and to organize the improvement of the «digital literacy» of doctors.


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How to Cite
Korchynskyi, I., & Firman, N. (2022). DIGITAL MEDICINE: FEATURES AND PROBLEMS OF ESTABLISHMENT IN UKRAINE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (1 (01), 100-105.