The article examines contemporary challenges in ensuring information security for Ukrainian businesses, driven by the escalation of cyber threats, economic instability, and geopolitical risks. The necessity of integrating innovative technologies and strategic solutions to enhance protection levels is substantiated. The primary vectors for developing information security systems tailored to the specificities of Ukraine’s modern business environment are identified. The practical significance of the research findings lies in the development of recommendations for minimizing risks and improving the information resilience of enterprises. Ensuring information security for businesses in Ukraine is a critical issue in the face of escalating cyber threats, economic instability, and geopolitical challenges. This research addresses the pressing need for effective strategies and technological integration to safeguard sensitive data and maintain operational stability. The objective of the study is to develop comprehensive approaches to information security, taking into account the peculiarities of Ukraine's business environment. The methodology employed in the study involves a systematic analysis of current threats, including cybercrime, infrastructural vulnerabilities, and human factors. Emphasis is placed on the application of advanced technologies such as multi-layered protection systems and artificial intelligence for anomaly detection. Additionally, the study underscores the importance of workforce education and strategic planning to mitigate risks and enhance resilience. Key findings highlight the necessity of adopting state-of-the-art cybersecurity measures, including the integration of blockchain technologies and robust response protocols. Practical recommendations are provided for businesses to improve their information security posture through targeted investments in technology and personnel training. The study also advocates for enhanced public-private partnerships and legislative advancements to create a more secure digital environment. This article contributes to the discourse on business information security by presenting actionable insights and strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced by Ukrainian enterprises. The findings are of practical value to policymakers, business leaders, and cybersecurity professionals seeking to bolster the resilience of their operations against modern threats.
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