One of the important aspects of Ukraine's development is the greening of its economy. The key factor in this case is Ukraine's European integration and the possibility of implementing the provisions of the EU environmental legislation into national legislation. The implementation of EU environmental legislation in Ukraine is particularly relevant during the war, when all these norms can be aimed at ensuring Ukraine's optimal development and its recovery both during and after the war. However, in times of war, the conditions for further implementation of these provisions, which began in 2014 with the signing of the Association Agreement, are unfavourable, due to the war and its consequences. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyse the main aspects of the implementation of EU environmental legislation in Ukraine, and to identify opportunities and challenges under martial law. The study is based on the analysis of relevant scientific works, EU environmental legislation and national environmental legislation. The author identifies the peculiarities of the current environmental legislation of Ukraine and highlights its problems. The author notes the need to implement the EU environmental legislation due to the imperfection of the national legislation. The main provisions and regulations of the environmental legislation of the European Union are defined. The results of implementation of environmental legislation in Ukraine are considered. It is noted that during martial law, the conditions for its implementation are insufficient due to the emergence of a large number of problems that require immediate resolution. The author discusses the main challenges faced by Ukraine in the process of adaptation and implementation of the current environmental legislation of the European Union under martial law. Particular attention is paid to identifying the barriers that hinder this process, including limited resources, reduced institutional capacity and the difficulty of ensuring control over compliance with environmental standards in the combat zone. At the same time, the author notes that even in such difficult conditions, there is significant potential for effective implementation of environmental legislation. In particular, it is established that war can become an incentive to intensify reforms in the field of environmental policy, increase attention to renewable resources and introduce the latest technologies in the post-war period. The analysis of the results shows that systematic adherence to the course of harmonisation with European standards will allow Ukraine to gain a number of strategic advantages. These include strengthening state sustainability, integration into European markets, attracting foreign investment, and creating conditions for long-term economic growth. Thus, despite the difficulties encountered during the war, the implementation of EU environmental legislation can become an important element of the country's post-war reconstruction and modernisation.
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