The article examines the application of the ATAM (Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method) methodology for managing the digitalization of business processes. The relevance of the study lies in addressing the growing complexity of digital transformation initiatives and the critical need for systematic approaches to selecting architectural solutions. The research highlights the importance of balancing cost, performance, security, scalability, and usability in the context of modern business demands, emphasizing the role of ATAM as a robust tool for navigating these challenges. The study utilizes a combination of theoretical and empirical methods to investigate the application of ATAM in digitalization. Theoretical analysis was employed to explore digitalization concepts, architectural trade-offs, and integration with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things. Empirical analysis was conducted on a manufacturing company to evaluate the effectiveness of ATAM in real-world settings. The approach included sector-specific scenario creation, qualitative assessments of architectural solutions, and the alignment of these solutions with organizational strategic goals. The results demonstrated the practical utility of ATAM in digital transformation projects. Specifically: application of ATAM reduced the risks of project implementation by 30–50%; efficiency in resource utilization improved by 20–25%; a modified approach to tradeoff analysis was proposed, incorporating sector-specific analysis and tailored scenarios for evaluating solutions. The findings underline the methodology’s ability to facilitate optimal decision-making by balancing cost, performance, and other quality attributes such as security and scalability. The study contributes actionable recommendations for implementing ATAM in various organizational contexts, offering a structured and adaptable framework for digital transformation. By integrating modern technologies and aligning with long-term strategic goals, the research enhances the methodology’s applicability, particularly for businesses seeking to improve decision-making processes and mitigate risks associated with architectural decisions. The insights provided can guide organizations in maximizing the efficiency of their digital transformation initiatives. The article offers a significant contribution to the body of knowledge on architectural decision-making in digitalization. Future research directions include expanding the empirical basis of ATAM’s application across different sectors, developing automated tools to streamline tradeoff analysis, and integrating ATAM with iterative approaches like Agile. Additionally, investigating the economic impact of ATAM, such as cost optimization and long-term benefits, could support its broader adoption in the digital economy.
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