Keywords: logistics, econometrics, logistic models, econometric methods, cross-border business


Today, companies operate in an ever-changing environment of global and domestic markets, where the globalization of national economies is intensifying, competition is intensifying, and there are many unfilled markets for goods and services. The need to quickly and rationally respond to changing market conditions necessitates the development of a logistics strategy, which, being part of the company's long-term goals, can significantly change the entire organization of the logistics management system. An appropriate strategy can increase the potential of the enterprise, improve the functioning of its mechanisms of material, transport and information flows, as well as increase the sustainability and competitiveness of the enterprise. Today, the development of the field of logistics services is gaining more and more importance and is becoming the subject of attention of leading scientists and specialists of different countries of the world. Recently, many scientific and educational works have been devoted to the problems of modeling and development of logistics systems in the domestic special literature. At the same time, these studies do not significantly cover the issue of applying the toolkit for the development of logistics services in the organizational sphere of business to the process of transporting goods and their economic and organizational support. Thus, the limitation of theoretical studies and the lack of generalization of practical experience in the formation of econometric models of economic and organizational support of enterprises in the field of logistics services determine the relevance of the issues considered in this paper. Studying the experience of forming logistics systems in cross-border business is of significant scientific interest. In particular, it refers to the search, discovery and dissemination of effective tools for the formation of integrated logistics systems that reduce costs, improve customer service and ensure competitiveness. The application of econometrics in the economic logistics of business allows for accurate analysis, optimization and forecasting of various aspects of logistics operations. It helps businesses reduce costs, improve customer service and increase the overall efficiency of logistics processes. Because econometric methods are based on large amounts of data, they are a powerful tool for making informed decisions in highly competitive and volatile market environments.


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How to Cite
Lintur, I., & Pytovka, O. (2024). APPLICATION OF ECONOMETRICS IN ECONOMIC LOGISTICS OF CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 174-177.