The study of foreign experience in the development of educational competencies allows us to adapt it to local conditions while maintaining competitiveness, analyze, adapt and implement innovations in the local context, create better and more up-to-date content for professionals, and promote the development of skills in analyzing and adapting strategies that ensure success at the global level. In the process of conducting the research, methods of general scientific and special nature were applied, namely: analysis and synthesis, abstraction, comparison, induction and deduction. It has been established that the promotion of entrepreneurship as a key competence is an important tool of the European Union to encourage citizens to develop innovative solutions to social problems and create products with additional socio-economic value. The EU is actively implementing guidelines for integrating entrepreneurship into the educational system and vocational training, promoting the development of key competencies at all stages of citizens' lives. The European Commission, in cooperation with EU member states, aims to provide citizens with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for personal development, professional fulfillment, integration into society and participation in public life. Eight competencies have been identified, including literacy, multilingualism, digital, entrepreneurial, and interpersonal skills. In the face of rapid changes in the labor market, the ability to quickly retrain is becoming increasingly important. The concept of developing 4K competencies plays an important role in modern education: creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking. In the EU, the training of specialists in the business environment is moving to the development of 4K competencies – creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The example of Poland demonstrates how the country integrates the development of entrepreneurial skills into the educational program. The basic level includes economic and digital literacy, basic law, entrepreneurial skills, social responsibility, and practical experience.
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4 C's: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking. Available at:
About HEInnovate. European Commission's DG Education and Culture. Available at:
Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning.European Education Area. Available at:
Development of skills. European Education Area. Available at:
Saadatmand M., Daba, M., Weber C. (2018). Dynamics of competition and strategy. Aliterature review of strategic management modelsand frameworks, Papers Presented at the 2018Portland International Conference on Ma-nagement of Engineering and Technology(PICMET), Honolulu, HI, USA, 19-23 August, pp. 1-14.
Wymagania edukacyjne Krok w biznes i zarządzanie. Available at: [In Poland]