The article examines the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of strategic planning in territorial communities. International experience is analyzed and key elements of successful strategic planning models are identified. It is determined that the formation of an effective strategic planning management mechanism is a key factor in the successful development of any community. A detailed analysis of scientific publications, reports and other sources of information on strategic planning, development of territorial communities and international experience in this area was conducted. This method allowed them to formulate the theoretical basis of the study and identify current problems. The information obtained was systematized and classified, which made it possible to identify general patterns and trends in the development of strategic planning in territorial communities. Based on empirical research, proposals were developed to improve strategic planning mechanisms in Ukrainian communities. Special attention is paid to the role of the public, partnership, institutional capacity and financial support. The authors substantiate the need to integrate innovative technologies and principles of sustainable development into strategic planning processes. The results of the study can be used by local governments, scientists and practitioners to develop effective strategies for the development of territorial communities. It was determined that special attention should be paid to involving the private sector in infrastructure projects, the social sphere and tourism; the introduction of energy-efficient technologies, the development of agrotourism and biogas plants. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were formulated to improve the effectiveness of strategic planning, which include expanding public participation, developing partnerships, strengthening institutional capacity and ensuring financial stability. It was determined that an effective strategic planning mechanism in a community is the result of a comprehensive approach that takes into account various factors. It is important to involve all stakeholders in the planning process, create a transparent and accountable management system, and ensure sustainable financing.
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