The study justifies the need for using alternative mechanisms for financing residential construction. It identifies that one of the promising mechanisms for attracting financial resources in construction is the issuance of targeted corporate bonds. The dynamics of bond issuance for the period 2018–2023 are presented, and the analysis of these results shows that this financing mechanism has not gained widespread adoption, primarily due to uncertainty (caused by military actions and an underdeveloped financial market) in the operating environment of companies. The article reveals the specifics of using targeted corporate bonds to finance residential construction. An algorithm for using targeted corporate bonds in residential construction financing is outlined, consisting of the following sequential stages: preparation for bond issuance, issuance of bonds, and bond redemption. It is emphasized that the redemption of targeted corporate bonds in residential construction is carried out by transferring ownership rights to square meters, in proportion to the volume determined by the bond lot. The main advantages for using the mechanism of targeted corporate bond financing for the issuer (developer) are highlighted, which mostly include the formation of the developer's credit reputation (building a high rating in the primary residential real estate market) and attracting a cheaper financing mechanism for residential construction compared to loans. The study examines the specifics of accounting for operations involving targeted corporate bonds for a residential construction developer (the bond issuer). In particular, it is noted that information on bond placement and redemption is reflected using account 521. The interest accrued on the bonds and the costs associated with their placement are recorded on account 95. The article also outlines the peculiarities of applying accounts 23 and 15 for accounting expenses related to the construction of real estate objects. The regulatory and legislative framework governing the accounting of transactions with corporate bonds under both national and international standards has been outlined.
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